Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Just ONE question.

"If you were faced with him in all his glory
what would you ask if you had just one question?"

On Thurday of last week I was brushing my hair. Nothing out of the ordinary, huh? Well a random thought came into my fantastical mind. Have you ever heard a person say they wonder how many hairs are on their head? I have. I've even heard the 'If I could ask God one question I would ask how many hairs are on my head.' Say WHAT!? What kind of question is that? I do not know why me brushing my hair like I do almost everyday made me think of this, but it did.

If someone had the ability to ask God one question, why on EARTH would they ask them that? I know I sure wouldn't. Then I got to pondering what WOULD I ASK? That was a hard one. What could you possibly ask someone in that kind of authority, in all His awesomeness? I came to the conclusion that I wouldn't ask anything pointless like how many hairs do I have. I would want to know if God was happy with my life. If he was proud of me, if he appreciated my endurance, strength, hosbitality, kindness. Would he look down on me and say 'Jessica, you have lived your life in the image of Myself.' Could I even begin to HOPE for that?

"If God had a face
What would it look like?
And would you want to see
If seeing meant that you would have to believe
In things like heaven and Jesus
and the saints
and all the Prophets"

I've been thinking about my life. About how if I ever got the chance to ask God what he thinks, what His response would be. I have to say, I was pretty proud of myself. I think I'm on the right track and on my way to accomplishing bigger and better things to glorify Him. Can you say that for youself? If you had only one question, what would you ask?

PS I'm pretty sure I had more that I thought about in relevance to this, but JJ has been bugging me about not posting so I thought I needed to do it tonight to get him off my back! =]


uthpastorjj said...

haha, so this is all my fault???

actually, that's pretty amazing. both the idea for the blog and the fact that you emphasized the HOPE word.

years ago, theologians used to debate the most mundane things like (seriously) how many angels could fit on the head of a pin?

what? who cares about that? really?

your question is a lot more relevant, and a lot more important.

you're a theologian. scary.

Beth said...

First of all, who cares if JJ bugs you? He does that to me all the time and I just ignore it.

Secondly, wow. Good question and you had a good answer.

Have I lived my life to glorify Him? Do I point enough people in His direction? Will He be able to say He is satisfied with what I have done?

I wonder what kind of legacy I'm leaving.